
碧海寻宝记 5.0 HD Damien Hirst Piotr Baumann  ‘Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable’ charts the story behind Damien Hirst’s most ambitious
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BBC地平线系列:味觉的真相 3.0 HD 安德鲁·斯科特 Linda Bartoshuk Molly Birnbaum  Taste is our most indulgent sense but it is only in recent years that we have started to understand
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BBC地平线:陨石真相大揭密 1.0 HD Iain Stewart Mark Boslough Steven R. Chesley ...  On a bright, cold morning on 15th February 2013, a meteorite ripped across the skies above the Ural
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兵马俑揭秘 6.0 HD 未知  兵马俑是一支由 8000 名陶制士兵组成的军队,为守卫中国第一位皇帝的陵墓而建。在被发现 50 年后,这个独特的考古遗址还能挖掘出哪些新的秘密呢?这部专题纪录片由《塞加拉陵墓揭秘》的创作者打造,探索了
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